This exam measures your ability to accomplish the following technical tasks: develop Azure compute solutions; develop for Azure storage; implement Azure security; monitor, troubleshoot, and optimize Azure solutions; and connect to and consume Azure services and third-party services. You will be able to select the code language (C# or Python) that’s included in the questions when you launch the exam.

Skills measured

  • Develop Azure compute solutions (25-30%)
  • Develop for Azure storage (15-20%)
  • Implement Azure security (20-25%)
  • Monitor, troubleshoot, and optimize Azure solutions (15-20%)
  • Connect to and consume Azure services and third-party services (15-20%)


  • At least one year of experience developing scalable solutions through all phases of software development.
  • Have a base understanding of Azure and cloud concepts, services, and the Azure portal.
  • If you are new to Azure or cloud computing it is recommended you complete the AZ-900: Azure Fundamentals course.

Create Azure App Service web appsCreate Azure App Service web apps

Learn how Azure App Service functions and how to create and update an app. Explore App Service authentication and authorization, configuring app settings, scale apps, and how to use deployment slots.


  1. Explore Azure App Service Explore Azure App Service
    1. Introduction
    2. Examine Azure App Service
    3. Examine Azure App Service plans
    4. Deploy to App Service
    5. Explore authentication and authorization in App Service
    6. Discover App Service networking features
    7. Exercise: Create a static HTML web app by using Azure Cloud Shell
    8. Knowledge check
    9. Summary
  2. Configure web app settings Configure web app settings
    1. Introduction
    2. Configure application settings
    3. Configure general settings
    4. Configure path mappings
    5. Enable diagnostic logging
    6. Configure security certificates
    7. Manage app features
    8. Knowledge check
    9. Summary
  3. Scale apps in Azure App Service Scale apps in Azure App Service
    1. Introduction
    2. Examine autoscale factors
    3. Identify autoscale factors
    4. Enable autoscale in App Service
    5. Explore autoscale best practices
    6. Knowledge check
    7. Summary
  4. Explore Azure App Service deployment slots Explore Azure App Service deployment slots
    1. Introduction
    2. Explore staging environments
    3. Examine slot swapping
    4. Swap deployment slots
    5. Route traffic in App Service
    6. Knowledge check
    7. Summary

Implement Azure FunctionsImplement Azure Functions

Learn how to create and deploy Azure Functions. Explore hosting options, bindings, triggers, and how to use Durable Functions to define stateful workflows.


  1. Explore Azure Functions Explore Azure Functions
    1. Introduction
    2. Discover Azure Functions
    3. Compare Azure Functions hosting options
    4. Scale Azure Functions
    5. Knowledge check
    6. Summary
  2. Develop Azure Functions Develop Azure Functions
    1. Introduction
    2. Explore Azure Functions development
    3. Create triggers and bindings
    4. Connect functions to Azure services
    5. Exercise: Create an Azure Function by using Visual Studio Code
    6. Knowledge check
    7. Summary
  3. Implement Durable Functions Implement Durable Functions
    1. Introduction
    2. Explore Durable Functions app patterns
    3. Discover the four function types
    4. Explore task hubs
    5. Explore durable orchestrations
    6. Control timing in Durable Functions
    7. Send and wait for events
    8. Knowledge check
    9. Summary

Develop solutions that use Blob storageDevelop solutions that use Blob storage

Learn how to create Azure Blob storage resources, manage data through the blob storage lifecycle, and work with containers and items by using the Azure Blob storage client library V12 for .NET.


  1. Explore Azure Blob storage Explore Azure Blob storage
    1. Introduction
    2. Explore Azure Blob storage
    3. Discover Azure Blob storage resource types
    4. Explore Azure Storage security features
    5. Evaluate Azure Storage redundancy options
    6. Exercise: Create a block blob storage account
    7. Knowledge check
    8. Summary
  2. Manage the Azure Blob storage lifecycle Manage the Azure Blob storage lifecycle
    1. Introduction
    2. Explore the Azure Blob storage lifecycle
    3. Discover Blob storage lifecycle policies
    4. Implement Blob storage lifecycle policies
    5. Rehydrate blob data from the archive tier
    6. Knowledge check
    7. Summary
  3. Work with Azure Blob storage Work with Azure Blob storage
    1. Introduction
    2. Explore Azure Blob storage client library
    3. Exercise: Create Blob storage resources by using the .NET client library
    4. Manage container properties and metadata by using .NET
    5. Set and retrieve properties and metadata for blob resources by using REST
    6. Knowledge check
    7. Summary

Develop solutions that use Azure Cosmos DBDevelop solutions that use Azure Cosmos DB

Learn how to create Azure Cosmos DB resources with the appropriate consistency levels, choose and create a partition key, and perform data operations by using the .NET SDK V3 for Azure Cosmos DB.


  1. Explore Azure Cosmos DB Explore Azure Cosmos DB
    1. Introduction
    2. Identify key benefits of Azure Cosmos DB
    3. Explore the resource hierarchy
    4. Explore consistency levels
    5. Choose the right consistency level
    6. Explore supported APIs
    7. Discover request units
    8. Exercise: Create Azure Cosmos DB resources by using the Azure portal
    9. Knowledge check
    10. Summary
  2. Implement partitioning in Azure Cosmos DB Implement partitioning in Azure Cosmos DB
    1. Introduction
    2. Explore partitions
    3. Choose a partition key
    4. Create a synthetic partition key
    5. Knowledge check
    6. Summary
  3. Work with Azure Cosmos DB Work with Azure Cosmos DB
    1. Introduction
    2. Explore Microsoft .NET SDK v3 for Azure Cosmos DB
    3. Exercise: Create resources by using the Microsoft .NET SDK v
    4. Create stored procedures
    5. Create triggers and user-defined functions
    6. Knowledge check
    7. Summary

Implement infrastructure as a service solutionsImplement infrastructure as a service solutions

Learn how to create and deploy virtual machine, deploy resources using Azure Resource Manager templates, and manage and deploy containers.


  1. Provision virtual machines in Azure Provision virtual machines in Azure
    1. Introduction
    2. Explore Azure virtual machines
    3. Compare virtual machine availability options
    4. Determine appropriate virtual machine size
    5. Exercise: Create a virtual machine by using the Azure CLI
    6. Knowledge check
    7. Summary
  2. Create and deploy Azure Resource Manager templates Create and deploy Azure Resource Manager templates
    1. Introduction
    2. Explore Azure Resource Manager
    3. Deploy multi-tiered solutions
    4. Explore conditional deployment
    5. Set the correct deployment mode
    6. Exercise: Create and deploy Azure Resource Manager templates by using Visual Studio Code
    7. Knowledge check
    8. Summary
  3. Manage container images in Azure Container Registry Manage container images in Azure Container Registry
    1. Introduction
    2. Discover the Azure Container Registry
    3. Explore storage capabilities
    4. Build and manage containers with tasks
    5. Explore elements of a Dockerfile
    6. Exercise: Build and run a container image by using Azure Container Registry Tasks
    7. Knowledge check
    8. Summary
  4. Run container images in Azure Container Instances Run container images in Azure Container Instances
    1. Introduction
    2. Explore Azure Container Instances
    3. Exercise: Deploy a container instance by using the Azure CLI
    4. Run containerized tasks with restart policies
    5. Set environment variables in container instances
    6. Mount an Azure file share in Azure Container Instances
    7. Knowledge check
    8. Summary

Implement user authentication and authorizationImplement user authentication and authorization

Learn how to implement authentication and authorization to resources by using the Microsoft identity platform, Microsoft Authentication Library, shared access signatures, and use Microsoft Graph.


  1. Explore the Microsoft identity platform Explore the Microsoft identity platform
    1. Introduction
    2. Explore the Microsoft identity platform
    3. Explore service principals
    4. Discover permissions and consent
    5. Discover conditional access
    6. Knowledge check
    7. Summary
  2. Implement authentication by using the Microsoft Authentication Library Implement authentication by using the Microsoft Authentication Library
    1. Introduction
    2. Explore the Microsoft Authentication Library
    3. Initialize client applications
    4. Exercise: Implement interactive authentication by using MSAL.NET
    5. Knowledge check
    6. Summary
  3. Implement shared access signatures Implement shared access signatures
    1. Introduction
    2. Discover shared access signatures
    3. Choose when to use shared access signatures
    4. Explore stored access policies
    5. Knowledge check
    6. Summary
  4. Explore Microsoft Graph Explore Microsoft Graph
    1. Introduction
    2. Discover Microsoft Graph
    3. Query Microsoft Graph by using REST
    4. Query Microsoft Graph by using SDKs
    5. Apply best practices to Microsoft Graph
    6. Knowledge check
    7. Summary

Implement secure cloud solutionsImplement secure cloud solutions

Learn how to more securely deploy apps in Azure by using Azure Key Vault, managed identities, and Azure App Configuration.


  1. Implement Azure Key Vault Implement Azure Key Vault
    1. Introduction
    2. Explore Azure Key Vault
    3. Discover Azure Key Vault best practices
    4. Authenticate to Azure Key Vault
    5. Exercise: Set and retrieve a secret from Azure Key Vault by using Azure CLI
    6. Knowledge check
    7. Summary
  2. Implement managed identities Implement managed identities
    1. Introduction
    2. Explore managed identities
    3. Discover the managed identities authentication flow
    4. Configure managed identities
    5. Acquire an access token
    6. Knowledge check
    7. Summary
  3. Implement Azure App Configuration Implement Azure App Configuration
    1. Introduction
    2. Explore the Azure App Configuration service
    3. Create paired keys and values
    4. Manage application features
    5. Secure app configuration data
    6. Knowledge check
    7. Summary

Implement API ManagementImplement API Management

Learn how the API Management service functions, how to transform and secure APIs, and how to create a backend API.


  1. Explore API Management Explore API Management
    1. Introduction
    2. Discover the API Management service
    3. Explore API gateways
    4. Explore API Management policies
    5. Create advanced policies
    6. Secure APIs by using subscriptions
    7. Secure APIs by using certificates
    8. Exercise: Create a backend API
    9. Knowledge check
    10. Summary

Develop event-based solutionsDevelop event-based solutions

Learn how to build applications with event-based architectures by integrating Azure Event Grid and Azure Event Hubs in to your solution.


  1. Explore Azure Event Grid Explore Azure Event Grid
    1. Introduction
    2. Explore Azure Event Grid
    3. Discover event schemas
    4. Explore event delivery durability
    5. Control access to events
    6. Receive events by using webhooks
    7. Filter events
    8. Exercise: Route custom events to web endpoint by using Azure CLI
    9. Knowledge check
    10. Summary
  2. Explore Azure Event Hubs Explore Azure Event Hubs
    1. Introduction
    2. Discover Azure Event Hubs
    3. Explore Event Hubs Capture
    4. Scale your processing application
    5. Control access to events
    6. Perform common operations with the Event Hubs client library
    7. Knowledge check
    8. Summary

Develop message-based solutionsDevelop message-based solutions

Learn how to build applications with message-based architectures by integrating Azure Service Bus and Azure Queue Storage in to your solution.


  1. Discover Azure message queues Discover Azure message queues
    1. Introduction
    2. Choose a message queue solution
    3. Explore Azure Service Bus
    4. Discover Service Bus queues, topics, and subscriptions
    5. Explore Service Bus message payloads and serialization
    6. Exercise: Send and receive message from a Service Bus queue by using .NET
    7. Explore Azure Queue Storage
    8. Create and manage Azure Queue Storage and messages by using .NET
    9. Knowledge check
    10. Summary

Instrument solutions to support monitoring and loggingInstrument solutions to support monitoring and logging

Learn how to instrument apps to enable Application Insights to monitor performance and help troubleshoot issues.


  1. Monitor app performance Monitor app performance
    1. Introduction
    2. Explore Azure Monitor
    3. Explore Application Insights
    4. Discover log-based metrics
    5. Instrument an app for monitoring
    6. Select an availability test
    7. Troubleshoot app performance by using Application Map
    8. Knowledge check
    9. Summary

Integrate caching and content delivery within solutionsIntegrate caching and content delivery within solutions

Learn how to improve the performance and scalability of your applications by integrating Azure Cache for Redis and Azure Content Delivery Network in to your solution.


  1. Develop for Azure Cache for Redis Develop for Azure Cache for Redis
    1. Introduction
    2. Explore Azure Cache for Redis
    3. Configure Azure Cache for Redis
    4. Interact with Azure Cache for Redis by using .NET
    5. Exercise: Connect an app to Azure Cache for Redis by using .NET Core
    6. Knowledge check
    7. Summary
  2. Develop for storage on CDNs Develop for storage on CDNs
    1. Introduction
    2. Explore Azure Content Delivery Networks
    3. Control cache behavior on Azure Content Delivery Networks
    4. Interact with Azure Content Delivery Networks by using .NET
    5. Knowledge check
    6. Summary